Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Perth Holiday I

I went for my first holiday in Oct via plane to Perth. (Don't know why mummy is taking so long to update the blog).

Here I am sleeping soundly in Daddy's hand on my maiden flight.

With Mummy,

With Daddy,

Counting money, making sure that we have enough for the trip

Dinner time

Take photo

I absolutely love taking photos.

Mummy said these are my hiao hiao (vain) pictures.

My best friend - Elmo & Big Bird (Part II)

Elmo and Big Bird are my best friends. I never get enough of them.

Go for Green

Green is the hot topic and of course I am all for it.

I am enjoying myself in a lush green environment. Believe it or not, I am at a shopping mall.

Healthy baby contest

I was enrolled for some baby contest which I was totally not interested in.

Surprise, surprise, I was the 2nd runner up. This has caught mummy by surprise and she was elated.

I don't understand what the excitement is all about until recently when I was being asked to pose to take photo (one of my favourite activities).

New playground

"See saw up and down, you go up and I come down"

I am trying out the new playground, certifying it is fun.

Ethan - the police

Here is me patrolling in my red motor bike.

Mom said I am confused wearing a police T-shirt with an army helmet.